DreamTracking is the process of journaling your dreams and tracking your images for the purpose of connecting to the Sacred within and around you. It is that inner place illuminated by the ever present flicker of light that is at the core of each and every living being. You may experience it when you are outside in nature, see it in a smile, hear it in a birds beautiful song, smell it in the intoxicating scent of a blooming flower or feel it in the softness of an animals fur. These spontaneous moments of clarity remind you to stand still, breathe and connect to the timeless part of who you are. In this depth of being, is the place we meet, where we are all connected.

In dreams, this connection is ever present as you are invited each and every night into relationship with the mysterious. As you pay attention to your dreams, you develop a heightened sense of the world around you. The more you track your dreams, the deeper your relationship to life becomes. The practice of writing down your dreams summons your inner knowing to communicate, giving expression to the sometimes ignored voices within. They may be whispers from your own Soul trying to break through, or whispers from the soul of the natural world around you. In dreams, all living things have voices.

You don’t have to know what it all means, all the various components of your dreams, as interpretation is not the goal. Instead, what is asked for is merely giving them a place for expression and experiencing the felt sense of the dream. Every dream is a story, and by writing them down, they become the chapters of your own journey. By journaling your dreams alone, you are already engaged in DreamTracking, and on the road to understanding how your dreams communicate.

Below are some points that will assist you in journaling your dreams and starting a DreamTracking practice:


Keep Your Notebook, Pen and Flashlight Within Reach

The tools for DreamTracking are an open dream journal, pen and flashlight. Keep them next to your bed as it shows your conscious and unconscious mind that you are serious about wanting to remember your dreams. When you wake during the night, write down whatever you remember. Resist the temptation to wait until morning because the dream will likely dissipate like morning fog over a lake.


Day Notes

To start understanding your own personal imagery, write a few notes about your day prior to going to sleep. A few sentences is enough. Date the notes and make sure you add in any emotions or strong reactions to anything that happened. Look for similarities in feelings or experiences that are presented in your dreams as they correlate to your day. This will provide you with clues as you review your dream entries later.


Write Your Dreams in Present Tense

There is a tendency to journal your dreams in the past tense, for example, “I dreamed that I was climbing a steep and rocky mountain.” That keeps the dreams out of the here and now. Practice writing your dreams in the present tense, “I am climbing a steep and rocky mountain”, as it brings their relevance into the current moment. You will feel a visceral shift in your body as you write your dream in present tense which can sometimes provide an immediate “aha” moment of insight.


Details are Significant

Sometimes, all you will remember is a color, a person, an animal, an object, an action or a feeling. Regardless of what it is, write as much detail as possible about what you experienced. This practice helps build your attention to detail as well as better dream recall. It also assists you in making connections between dream images and your waking life situations. If you have time, write about any associations you have to specific dream images. Do not edit what your write. Let it free flow, keeping the logical part of brain out of the way. (Note: When waking from a dream, I first make a quick list of all the main events, peoples, messages, numbers, etc. using a word or two. I then go back and write the dream in detail. This keeps me from forgetting important parts of the dream.)


Explore Your Emotions

Dream emotions are essential in the DreamTracking process. This includes emotions you feel inside the dream, as well as emotions experienced upon waking from the dream. Get in the habit of writing them down. Sometimes, your dream emotions will correlate to something you wrote in your day notes. Other times, they may be giving you clues that you are feeling different than you think. Emotions in dreams are truth-tellers, showing you how you are genuinely experiencing something. They can also validate your true passions and values by showing you what really matters to you and where you want to place your energy.


Title Your Dream

Since dreams can be long and confusing compilations of seemingly unrelated scenarios, characters and predicaments, create a title summarizing the dream. It’s like a reduction process that boils down the dream into a concentrated idea. This may give you a better understanding of the dream as well as the ability to locate a specific dream when going back through your journals.


Honor the Dream

Imagine dreams as special gifts given specifically to you from your Soul. As you re-read your dream, notice if there is anything within the dream that feels like it is calling for attention. Is there an action you can take on behalf of the dream as a way of honoring the dream? For example, it may as simple as keeping a picture of a dream image nearby. Maybe you feel moved to check in with a friend. Perhaps you feel inspired to draw, paint or dance a dream image. It can be absolutely anything. If you dream of trash, you might decide to clean up a park in your neighborhood. If you dream of whales, you may feel motivated to send a few dollars to Greenpeace. The idea is to take something from the dreaming world and honor it with a positive action it in the waking physical world.


Consider Making Dreams Part of Your Spiritual Practice

By journaling your dreams, you invite dreams to provide limitless insight into your own life as well as the life of the world. DreamTracking provides a portal to your own higher knowing and to information from Spirit. In this way, dreams are similar to yoga, meditation, and other disciplines, they provide a pathway to the soul by your dedication to the process. Dreams come to us on behalf of healing and wholeness, individually, collectively and globally. Journaling your dreams will keep you reminded that we are all connected, here in service to life itself.


Over the years, my DreamTracking has been my morning ritual. Upon waking, I get up, pour myself some coffee, and journal my dreams. I sit in the dark using only a small flashlight to write by. Then, I allow the dreams to sit with me like companions in that in-between space of sleeping and waking. Beginning my day with soul as the main focus creates an entirely different experience in my daily life. Before the minutia of day-to-day tasks take over. In those moments, I reconnect to who I am, focus on what I care most about, and trust my higher knowing to guide me through my day.

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