Here is what clients are saying about Bambi’s dreamtracking work:

“Ms. Corso has a unique and sensitive way of honoring the dreamtime and its rich landscape. Her keen symbolic vision has been extremely helpful in uncovering the possibilities of what the Divine is communicating through the dreamtime.  I have had dreams that I could only see as frightening and Bambi helped me explore the various other ways to view the dream and recognize the beauty, wisdom, and humor of the psyche.”

~ Ruth Donlin, M.S.


“Regarding my dream Reading from Bambi, I was hesitant… in what ways could I learn from a reading? Bambi found a way to gingerly work around the dream to show me a picture of what kinds of things the dream was revealing. Bambi’s encouragement for self-knowledge is commendable. I write this with genuine appreciation.”
~ Melanie Knapp, Ontario, Canada


“Bambi first started analyzing and discussing my dreams with me years ago.  She made seemingly insignificant and purely entertaining dream events and feelings correlate with present situations in my life.

Since then, I regularly ponder about the symbolism in my dreams, and have found that I am more in tune with my subconscious feelings, and have increased awareness, which helps guide me with my decisions regarding relationships, business, and personal enhancement choices.”

~ Dr. David Speakman, D.C.


“Bambi’s ability to crack open the symbols of the dream with curiosity, compassion and patience never ceases to move me deeply.”

~ Myra Turley, Actress


“Bambi’s insights and gifts are a blessing for they have exposed for me the meaning of many a dream and, in doing so, have helped me to achieve a greater sense of self-awareness along with teaching me how to interpret and then utilize the messages that are given during those nocturnal journeys.”

~ Beth Pauline, Teacher


“Bambi is a lovely person whose respect for the life and times of the dream is immense.”

~ Nils Peterson, Former San Jose State professor and Silicon Valley’s first poet laureate


“Bambi has a finely tuned sensitivity to hearing into the poetic story that the Dream maker spins. She listens for the inner wisdom that is trying to be told and with clarity and warmth shares her perspective without judgment.

I found her careful attention to be helpful and supportive while looking at dreams and relating them to my own growing edge.”

~ Mary Jo Clarke, M.D.


“3 years into our monthly dream group, Bambi offers continuing insight, calm guidance, and an authoritative grasp of the spirit tradition.”

~ Tony Scully, Writer and Painter


Robert Van de Castle, PhD. and author of Our Dreaming Mind says about IASDs Bambi Corso’s Dream Setting Video:

“This is the most compact and visually compelling slide show I have seen on the topic of dream settings. It leads very nicely into the questions that can be asked about their possible significance for the dreamer to consider regarding their potential messages.” April 25, 2010

Link to Dream Settings video:


“There have been many times when I’ve had confusing or even disturbing dream images that are confusing to me.

The first thing I do is call Bambi and with her expertise and guidance she brings me to clarity within minutes just by asking key questions.”

~ Krysti Carrelli, Finance Manager


Dear Bambi: Thank you so much for working with me. Looking back, I still find it amazing that I had such a powerful dream the very week we set our appointment. I am not new to dream archetypes, and I’ve tried to understand the meaning of my dreams in the past; but working with you shed a whole new light on how to interact with one’s dream messages. The effect can be described as the difference between looking in a window, and having a door to move in and out of. My dream council is now quite real to me. I have a whole new perspective about what is going on inside of me that affects what I say and do. For example, instead of staying stuck in feeling embarrassed about something I said, I now check in with my Dream Council and ask “where did that come from?” That leads to a whole conversation in my head about who said what, and why. Internally, I work out a higher perspective, or a different way to do things next time. This process seems to be a natural, easy way for me to access my subconscious mind. I even have a character that recognizes old programs and helps me ‘pop in’ new software! I like that these different aspects of me have a place to speak their truths and help me; rather than blurting out my mouth at, sometimes, inopportune moments… or jamming my ability to respond due to an aspect of self sabotage.

Even years of traditional counseling did not give me the tools and insights that a couple of sessions with you has given me. You are demonstrating to me what ‘stepping into your power’ means. I see, now, that it is a process of steps; each one taking you further than the one before. Each step forward is not possible without the previous step – making known the unknown. Thank you for all your help, and for being a powerful role model for me. You obviously have a storehouse of knowledge and experience behind your intuitive, compassionate style.  I am so excited for you and all the people who get to grow with and through you!

~ Amie Wells